messy. crazy. amazing. joyful.

We're not all officially ADHD. Dad's unofficial. Our ten-year-old twins have ADHD. Our seven-year old wants to have it because everyone is always talking about it. Our three year old has ADHD--just because she's three. And me, Mom, I think it's contagious. Who can remain untouched in a house where shoes seem to be lost every morning, instructions are routinely thrown aside, and fights erupt over which continent capybaras come from?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Our Story on a Great ADHD Blog

Our story is posted on one of my favorite blogs today. Check it out.

A Mom's View of ADHD

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your story with my readers (and for being one of them). :) You are such a great advocate for your children. Can't wait to read your blog and follow your story more closely.

    {LOVE your header picture by the way!}

